Notodontidae: Notodontinae

08727 Swallow Prominent Pheosia tremula, (Clerck, 1759)

BF2007 (ABH71.017)

Gotse Delchev, 4th May 2014. Light trap.
Gotse Delchev, 4th May 2014. Light trap.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies
Gotse Delchev, 4th May 2014. Light trap.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies

General Information

This species is similar to the Lesser Swallow Prominent but has a less distinct white wedge at the tornus of the forewing.


The Swallow Prominent also has a wavy pale line in the dark area of the hindwing.


Pupates in loose soil.

Overwinters as Overwinters as a pupa.
Both sexes come to light.

Forewing length: 22-28mm.
Foodplant(s): Aspen (Populus tremula), poplars (Populus spp.), willows (Salix spp.)
Flying: Two generations, late April-June and August-early September
UK Presence: Resident
National status:


Woodland, poplar plantations, parks and gardens.

Regional Information

There are no records in the system yet in Bulgaria.

Similar Species

Larva Type:
Green, yellow, brown, red
No. of Proleg Pairs: