Geometridae: Ennominae

07926 Yellow Belle Aspitates ochrearia (=Semiaspilates), (Rossi, 1794)

BF1968 (ABH70.294)

Gotse Delchev, 3rd May 2014. Mv trap. Male.
Gotse Delchev, 3rd May 2014. Mv trap. Male.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies
Gotse Delchev, 3rd May 2014. Mv trap. Male.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies
Kozhuh, Struma valley, SW Bulgaria, 13th May 2014. female.
Kozhuh, Struma valley, SW Bulgaria, 13th May 2014. female.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies
Kresna Gorge, 12th May 2014. Female.
Kresna Gorge, 12th May 2014. Female.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies

General Information

Pupates in loose soil.

Both sexes come to light.
Often disturbed during day

Forewing length: 12-16mm.
Foodplant(s): Sea Wormwood (Seriphidium maritima), clovers (Trifolium spp.), trefoils (Lotus spp.), Common Restharrow (Ononis repens), Wild Carrot (Daucus carota), Beaked Hawk's-beard (Crepis vesicaria), plantains (Plantago spp.), herbaceous plants
Flying: Two generations, May-June and August-September
UK Presence: Resident
National status:


Coastal areas, heathland and grassland.

Regional Information

There are no records in the system yet in Bulgaria.

Similar Species
Vestal Rhodometra sacraria

Larva Type:
Yellow, grey, brown, black, white
No. of Proleg Pairs: