Noctuidae: Hadeninae

09933 Lychnis Hadena bicruris, (Hufnagel, 1766)

BF2173 (ABH73.281)


General Information

Pupates in loose soil.

Overwinters as Overwinters as a pupa.
Both sexes readily come to light, sometimes in numbers.
Often found feeding during day

Forewing length: 14-17mm.
Foodplant(s): Red Campion (Silene dioica), White Campion (Silene latifolia), Sea Campion (Silene uniflora), Sweet-William (Dianthus barbatus)
Flying: Two generations, late May-July and August-September
UK Presence: Resident
National status:


Road verges, woodland edges, hedgerows and field margins.

Regional Information

There are no records in the system yet in Bulgaria.

Similar Species
Campion Sideridis rivularis (=Hadena)
Tawny Shears Hadena perplexa

Larva Type:
Brown, black, green
No. of Proleg Pairs: