Noctuidae: Acronictinae

08779 Miller Acronicta leporina, (Linnaeus, 1758)

BF2280 (ABH73.040)

nr. Borovets, Rila Mtns. 11th July 2016. Male. MV trap.
nr. Borovets, Rila Mtns. 11th July 2016. Male. MV trap.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies
nr. Borovets, Rila Mtns. 11th July 2016. Male. MV trap.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies
Chepelare, Western Rhodopi Mtns., 19th June 2013.
Chepelare, Western Rhodopi Mtns., 19th June 2013.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies

General Information

The typical pale grey form of this species, f.grisea, is the most common.


Pupates burrowed in decaying wood.

Overwinters as Overwinters as a pupa.
Both sexes come to light.

Forewing length: 16-21mm.
Foodplant(s): birches (Betula spp.), Alder (Alnus glutinosa), willows (Salix spp.), Aspen (Populus tremula), poplars (Populus spp.), oaks (Quercus spp.)
Flying: One generation, late May-early August
UK Presence: Resident
National status:


Broadleaved woodland, heathland, fens, scrub and urban areas.

Regional Information

There are no records in the system yet in Bulgaria.

Larva Type:
Green, white, brown, yellow
No. of Proleg Pairs: