Nolidae: Chloephorinae

10441 Oak Nycteoline Nycteola revayana, (Scopoli, 1772)

BF2423 (ABH74.009)


General Information

This species is very variable. It can resemble members of the Tortricidae family of micros. It used to be known as the 'Large Marbled Tortrix'.


Pupates in a cocoon attached to the underside of a leaf.

Overwinters as Overwinters as an adult.
Both sexes come to light but in small numbers only.

Forewing length: 11-13mm.
Foodplant(s): Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur), Sessile Oak (Quercus petraea)
Flying: Two generations, March-August and mid August-mid October
UK Presence: Resident
National status:


Broadleaved woodland, areas with scrub oak and gardens.

Regional Information

There are no records in the system yet in Bulgaria.

Larva Type:
Green , yellow, white
No. of Proleg Pairs: