Pyralidae: Pyraustinae

06541 Udea prunalis, ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

BF1390 (ABH63.034)

nr. Hvoyna, Western Rhodopis, 8th July 2016. MV trap.
nr. Hvoyna, Western Rhodopis, 8th July 2016. MV trap.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies
nr. Hvoyna, Western Rhodopis, 8th July 2016. MV trap.
 Photo © Nick Greatorex-Davies

General Information

This moth has a distinctive white underbody and legs, with a dark ground colour.

Wingspan: 20-24 mm.
Foodplant(s): herbaceous plants
Flying: One generation, June-July
National status:

Regional Information

There are no records in the system yet in Bulgaria.